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Will You Consider Using a More Ethical and Sustainable Smartphone?
As individuals, the decisions we make daily can contribute to a more sustainable future for all.
That is the reason behind the establishment of Fairphone, a Dutch social enterprise that makes smartphones with a focus on four major areas: long-lasting design, fair materials, good working conditions, and reuse and recycling.
Knowing that many of the materials used to make a smartphone is the source of conflicts in Africa and countries rich in these materials, Fairphone set out to source conflict-free materials that support local economies, not armed militias. Fairphone also ensures workers are paid a fair wage and are entitled to safe working environments. In committing to creating long-lasting designs and reusing and recycling, the social enterprise gives consumers more control of their phones, and ensure the circulation and remanufacturing of materials once the phones have reached their end of life.
#sustainabledevelopment #ethicalsourcing #fairwage #fairemployment #remanufacturing #circulareconomy
Source from:
Yahoo HK